How I See It · Nutrition

So You Wanna Eat Healthier…

Let me rephrase, so you’re going to start eating healthier; because truth be told you probably don’t want to. If we could eat pizza and ice cream all day and achieve the same results as chicken and broccoli, well, we would all probably opt for the first option. But because it doesn’t work that way… Continue reading So You Wanna Eat Healthier…


CrossFit athletes: How the simple rules you’re breaking are inhibiting your progress

You’re kicking ass in the gym: mobilizing, warming-up, getting after it in metcons, crushing your barbell lifts and maybe even catching a yoga class or grabbing the foam roller occasionally. But the fact of the matter is you can only get so fit without nailing a couple principles located outside the walls of Magna. You’ve… Continue reading CrossFit athletes: How the simple rules you’re breaking are inhibiting your progress